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Emacs Key Bindings In Windows

The argument to w32-register-hot-key must be a single key with asingle modifier, in vector form that would be acceptable todefine-key. The control and shift modifiers have no effect on theargument. The meta modifier is interpreted as the Alt key ifw32-alt-is-meta is t (the default), and the super and hypermodifiers are interpreted according to the bindings ofw32-lwindow-modifier and w32-rwindow-modifier. Additionally, amodifier with the trailing dash but with no key indicates that allWindows defined hotkeys for that modifier are to be overridden in thefavor of Emacs.

Emacs Key Bindings In Windows


We are pleased to announce the availability of Emacs Emulation as a free extension for Visual Studio 2010! This extension provides basic support for Emacs keybindings and text editing commands, very similar to the built-in Emacs keyboard layout in VS 2008. Once the extension is installed you should be able to use familiar keyboard shortcuts to execute Emacs commands within VS 2010.

Installing Emacs Emulation requires Visual Studio 2010 Pro, Premium, or Ultimate (the Express editions do not support extensions) and a one-time elevation to administrator permissions. This elevation is necessary to install the keybindings file in the Visual Studio Program Folder. The first time you launch Visual Studio after downloading and installing the extension, you should see a permissions dialog, shown below. Click OK and follow the system prompt to elevate. This is only required once; subsequent launches of Visual Studio will not prompt for elevation.

$key - A [ConsoleKeyInfo] object that is the key that triggered thecustom binding. If you bind the same ScriptBlock to multiple keys and need toperform different actions depending on the key, you can check $key. Manycustom bindings ignore this argument.

$arg - An arbitrary argument. Most often, this would be an integerargument that the user passes from the key bindings DigitArgument. If yourbinding doesn't accept arguments, it's reasonable to ignore this argument.

Firefox uses the GTK setting to determine whether Emacs-like/Readline-like keybindings are active in text fields. There are two different methods depending upon whether or not you run Gnome. If in doubt, it doesn't hurt to do both.

The shortcuts are often called Emacs keybindings, but they're actually more similar to keybindings in Readline. When these keybindings are enabled, they override the standard keybindings in Gnome and Firefox (when a text entry field has focus).

Conkeror is an extension which makes Firefox look and act like Emacs. It is a much more thorough change to the UI than simple key bindings and is not for the faint of heart. Conkeror can be selectively disabled so that "normal" Firefox windows can be opened simultaneously with Conkeror windows.

For both Windows and OS X, you can manually edit the platformHTMLBindings.xml file and add the handlers listed below to each section for which you desire the new bindings. (On OS X, you will need to open show the contents of the application package by choosing "Show package contents" from the contextual menu of the application in the Finder. Then you have to browse to Contents/MacOS/ within the package.) Locate the file as appropriate for your browser version, then add the entries below and restart the browser.

Hi,I wonder if anyone has the same issue here, or this is because I didn't set it up correctly.I am using Rstudio 1.1.414 on windows 10. I have selected the emacs keybinding in the global options, but somehow the following two keyboard shortcuts are not working ( both are default under emacs),Ctrl-w (kill a marked region)Ctrl-y (yank)

I love the fact that some softwares (and even some linux desktops) try to set emacs keybindings. Kudos to RStudio for that. Some people have also put autohotkey scripts or other config files out there to have emacs keybindings outside emacs. Unfortunately, I have never seen any of them work satisfactorily. My experience is that there are always many keys that don't work or conflict with something, giving, at best, an odd mixture of keybinding systems. Eventually, I gave up on the idea and do everything in emacs (including R).

An option that might be worth exploring: exwm. I just started using it instead of openbox. It is possible to have emacs keybindings through it instead of local keybindings. This was not my reason to switch to it though and I haven't played with it a lot. But I thought that I would throw the idea out here, in case it is useful.

A 'key sequence' is one or more key strokes. Traditionally, Emacs assigned two or three key stroke key sequences to particular commands. For example, the normal key sequence assigned to Close All in emacs is Ctrl+X Ctrl+C. To enter this key sequence, one presses the key stroke Ctrl+X followed by the key stroke Ctrl+C. While Eclipse supports key sequences of arbitrary lengths, it is recommended that keyboard shortcuts be four key strokes in length (or less).

The Default scheme contains a general set of bindings, in many cases recognizable as traditional key sequences for well known commands. For instance, Ctrl+A is assigned to Select All, and Ctrl+S is assigned to Save.

It is important to understand why the Emacs scheme says that it 'extends Default'. The Emacs scheme is not a complete set of bindings like the Default scheme. Rather, it borrows from the Default scheme where possible, only defining explicit Emacs-style bindings where they vary from the Default scheme. Generally, only well known commands like Select All, Save, etc. have specific Emacs key sequences associated with them.

Choose the scheme you are most comfortable with by changing the 'Scheme' setting on the keys preference page. If you choose the Default scheme, all Emacs bindings are ignored. If you choose the Emacs scheme, explicit Emacs-style key sequence assignments take precedence over any conflicting assignments in the Default scheme.

Much like configurations, contexts can extend other contexts. For example, the Editing Java Source context borrows key bindings from the Editing Text context, which in turn borrows key bindings from the In Windows context.

It is possible for some key bindings to work in dialogs. Those key bindings are assigned to the In Dialogs and Windows context. One example of such a key binding is the key binding for "cut". It is possible to change these key bindings. For example, it is possible to have Ctrl+X as cut in dialogs, but Ctrl+W as cut in windows.

With multi-stroke key sequences, schemes, and contexts, there are a lot of things to keep in mind when customizing key bindings. To make things easier, all key customization is done on the General > Keys preference page.

In this example we want to bind CTRL+5 to the About command. By default the keys preference page will show you all possible keybindings. You can see the About command listed in the Help category. You can bind the command by putting focus in the Binding text box and pressing CTRL and 5 like you would if you were executing the command.

Key bindings are provided by plug-ins, and in Eclipse, plug-ins can be added or removed. This can cause key bindings declared by these plug-ins to be added or removed. Eclipse stores custom key bindings in a way to compensate for this. Consider the example above where CTRL+6 was assigned to About in the Default scheme. Say you install a new plug-in that assigns CTRL+6 to a particular command. Eclipse will preserve your assignment to About.

This is a conflict. It wouldn't be proper to invoke both commands, nor would it be proper to simply choose one of the two commands to receive the key stroke. We pop up the Key Assist Dialog with the conflicting commands and allow the user to select one. The Key Assist Dialog is the same dialog that displays command choices for multiple key stroke key bindings. For example, if 2 commands were bound to F12 you might see:

If the user sets a keybinding and creates a conflict, the conflicting bindings will be displayed in the conflicts list. This can be used to navigate between conflicting keybindings so that they can be changed.

As previously mentioned, the Emacs scheme borrows key bindings from the Default scheme. In the default scheme, Ctrl+X is assigned to Cut. Though the Emacs scheme doesn't explicitly redefine Ctrl+X, pressing Ctrl+X is required as part of many of its key bindings. In the Emacs scheme, when one presses Ctrl+X, one is half way to entering one of many possible assigned key sequences. One would not expect the Cut action to be invoked at this time.

For this type of conflict, the rule is that the Ctrl+X key sequence assigned to Cut would be ignored. Otherwise, it would not be possible to complete many of the key bindings in the Emacs configuration.

The bindings can be exported to a CSV file. For this purpose, press the button Export CSV .... This will launch a file dialog, where you can specify the location of the export file. Note: The export file is for reporting purposes only and can not be used to import the binding files into Eclipse.

I looked for something that would be simple and would give me all the core commands I wanted while not getting in the way of the other useful things VSCode has to offer. I landed on Awesome Emacs Keymap (emacs-mcx).

Setting "Emacs" key theme in gtk3 (and Firefox 46)I recently let Firefox upgrade itself to 46.0.1, and suddenly Icouldn't type anything any more. The emacs/readline editing bindings,which I use probably thousands of times a day, no longer worked.So every time I typed a Ctrl-H to delete the previous character,or Ctrl-B to move back one character, a sidebar popped up.When I typed Ctrl-W to delete the last word, it closed the tab.Ctrl-U, to erase the contents of the urlbar, opened a new View Sourcetab, while Ctrl-N, to go to the next line, opened a new window.Argh!(I know that people who don't use these bindings are rolling theireyes and wondering "What's the big deal?" But if you're a touch typist,once you've gotten used to being able to edit text without moving yourhands from the home position, it's hard to imagine why everyone elseseems content with key bindings that require you to move yourhands and eyes way over to keys like Backspace or Home/End that aren'teven in the same position on every keyboard. I map CapsLock to Ctrlfor the same reason, since my hands are too small to hit thePC-positioned Ctrl key without moving my whole hand. Ctrlwas to the left of the "A" key on nearly all computer keyboardsuntil IBM's 1986 "101 Enhanced Keyboard", and it made a lot moresense than IBM's redesign since few people use Caps Lock very often.)I found a bug filed on the broken bindings, and lots of peoplecommenting online, but it wasn't until I found out that Firefox 46 hadswitched to GTK3 that I understood had actually happened. And addinggtk3 to my web searches finally put me on the track to finding thesolution, after trying several other supposed fixes that weren't.Here's what actually worked: edit/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and add, inside the[Settings] section, this line:gtk-key-theme-name = EmacsI think that's all that was needed. But in case that doesn't do it,here's something I had already tried, unsuccessfully,and it's possible that you actually need it in addition to thesettings.ini change(I don't know how to undo magic Gnome settings so I can't test it):gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-key-theme "Emacs" 041b061a72

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